Promised Land Pledge Drive

We have a great opportunity to purchase the present facility that we are in – First Christian Church.

What most understand about our ministry is that we are not anything like the normal.  We began as an outreach for the first 16 months and then we had no other choice to plant a church as well to under-gird the mission of our ministry.  The outreach is nearly 3 and half years old and the church just celebrated its two year anniversary on January 11.  We are not normal because assumably the experts say you have to have about $200,000.00 to begin a church – we didn’t, we had a borrowed $10,000.00.

We have church at 2 p.m. every Sunday and that is not typical.  Not to mention beginning a ministry to reach individuals, families, and children that mostly have no additional funds to put in an offering plate to help sustain an outreach – on a Monday evening no less! Oh, and I almost forgot that we rent from other churches to accomplish our mission.  If you are not aware of what has been going on you may want to go to our sites and get caught up.  Go to and

Now, for the news. We can purchase First Christian Church located at 121 Walnut Street for $250,000.00.  We have already manged to raise about $50,000.00 of this amount.  We will not assume a loan and quite frankly we cannot get a loan because we are still in the infancy stage of this ministry.  We do not want a loan either because we will not become a slave to any lender.  We will remain debt free so all future monies can go directly to the needs of the people – and that is ministry.

You can help us by praying for us that we will get the full amount.  Also, you can search your heart and ask God what He would have you to do in helping us reach our goal.  In addition we sincerely need you to help us spread the word to your network of friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives and fellow parishioners to help us meet this dollar amount.

Together we can raise another $200,000.00. Whether it’s a dollar at a time or a thousand dollars at a time. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where God want us. It’s also where our ministry can be most effective.  I would pray that you will catch the vision today!  Thank You!

Ray Brown – Lead Pastor of theGathering Church and founder of Restore Outreach Ministries.

Restore is for Everyone

restore_many_colorsRestore is for everyone – many colors and patterns but the same material.

When we first presented Celebrate Recovery I was slightly amazed at the resistance I was met with by some.  People readily acknowledged they had no chemical issues in their lives and it was not necessary to subject themselves to a step program.  What I see now is people from various back grounds and social economic situations gathering together to form a community that is extremely supportive and accepting of one another.  This safe environment is the perfect place to simply be themselves.  The 2nd important commandment that Jesus reiterated was that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.   Loving each other as we re-learn to love ourselves again and orchestrated by none other then the One that defines love – God.  A safe recovery community on Monday evenings is what we have – a very eclectic group to say the least.   People that are willing to listen with a non-judgmental heart and pray for those next to them.  To me this is only a small glimpse of heaven.  Co-existing with people that do not share the same back ground but are willing to look at the common ground of life’s struggles through recovering eyes and Christ help.  Restore is for the un-churched, dechurched, and churched a like.  Come on join us this Monday at 5:30 pm.  To learn more about CR go to –   Rev. Ray Brown

Reality Check

Marie_MetcalfTime is such a precious commodity. God has a way of demonstrating different things to me with each new phase of my development. See I wasted a lot of time in my life, because of this I am in a state of constant fast forward right now. I wake up each morning and look at the day ahead of me and wonder if I can possibly accomplish all of the mandatory things that are before me.

I work 35 hours per week, go to school 9 hours per week (add at least 10 hours to that for studying and homework). I take the kids to the west side for school every day. I come home and get ready to head to the east side for work by 10am. I am a server so I run laps in a restaurant and am cheerful and courteous all the time…even if my customers are not. I leave by 3pm and head to the west side to round up the kids and bring them home. On Mondays we head to Celebrate Recovery where thankfully we get one of our two family meals per week. Tuesday I do the kids, work, kid’s combo then head to Human Services class. Wednesday is kids, work, kids, Sociology. Thursday is kids, work, kids, Algebra. Friday is kids, work, kids…back to work. I work doubles on Fridays. Saturday is 8 loads of laundry at the laundry mat and a long 3-12 pm shift at work. Sunday blessed Sunday all I have is church where I take care of the kids. I love the kids but it is definitely not like having a day off. I get to kiss my kids goodnight on Sunday and Monday. I didn’t add in appointments and groceries but I think you get the point!

Here is MY reality check. A few years ago all I had was time. I didn’t have the privilege of freedom, much less kids, work, and school.

It will be worth it!

When we moved into my apartment a year ago we had a mattress (on the floor) and two bags of clothes. Laundry day was easy because we had nothing. My Daughter only spent the night two nights per week. Nobody needed me for much of anything, I was broken and damaged. God placed a dream in my heart to get well, get an education and share with others how I did it. Each and every “hassle” in my life is a privilege. My life was empty and meaningless and now I am everything to a few people that need me. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle my blessings. Then I remember that God started this work in me and He will be faithful to complete it. He will never give me more than I can handle although I thinks He thinks too highly of me sometimes.

I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.
-Romans 7:18

I keep reminding myself that I can do it because He is never wrong!

Is God pushing you to do something?

Do you feel that nagging pull?

Might as well stop fighting Him and do it. It won’t always be easy but I guarantee it will be worth it!

Marie Johnson

Celebration Station


Kara Thanksgiving 2010

While parents continue to participate in a step program called Celebrate Recovery on Monday evenings, the children will be involved in a new program entitled Celebration Station. CS is a pre-covery program. The kids will be visually stimulated by the inter-active video and the challenging lesson curriculum. Activities will be included to engage the children and to foster conversation with their parents in their households. Restore will continue to give resources and tools that will strengthen families. Celebration Station will be a great program to begin as we transition into our new location for Restore Outreach. It is better to build boys and girls than it is to mend men and women. To find out more about the adult and children’s programs go to


Sea Shells

While walking along a beach, one can see a lot of debris. Trash left behind by uncaring visitors, sea weed and other debris that has washed upon the shore. Many have walked along the shore and looked down and saw what looked like a beautiful sea shell that had washed ashore.

When we reached down and picked it up, it was very pretty. As we looked it over, we noticed some flaws in the shell. The turmoil of waves and the sand had broken edges of the beautiful shell off. Though the shell was well polished, shiny and was very colorful, we discarded it. We were disappointed in the flaws of the shell so we cast it aside to continue looking for the ‘perfect shell’.
There is a place in Florida named Venice and Venice Beach. The beach is so beautiful with its white sand and the rolling tide of the Gulf of Mexico. This beach is noted worldwide for the sea-shells that wash ashore. It is caused by the unusual currents that bring tons of shells in with the tide. The locals have made special baskets to scoop up shells. Tourists from around the world come to this beach to search for the perfect shell and sharks teeth. One can sit at the edge of the water and in a short time be covered with shells of all shapes, sizes and colors. This is a lot of fun and a great way to spend a day at the beach.

But, as you sit there watching the shells being tossed around in the turbulent tide, a sparkle will catch your eye. You reach down and pick up a handful of shells and begin to discard them all, while looking for that one that glittered in the sunlight. It is not there so you frantically reach for another handful, again discard-ing the flawed shells looking for ‘Mr. Perfect’.

We finally find that one that looks so beautiful and perfect so we take it home with us. We are proud of the perfect shell that we have found so we show it off to everyone we see. Many are happy for us until we show it to someone who looks a little closer than we have and points out a flaw we had not seen. How disappointing and we discard it.

When we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter.

We have all been caught in the turbulence of life and have been tossed around like a shell caught in the tide. We have received many flaws in our character but thank God, He does not discard us. Things that get tossed overboard and into the sea will eventually be washed ashore by the strong current in the shallow water. God said he would cast our sins into the depths of the sea never to be remembered anymore. (Micah 7:19)

One thing that was brought to my attention was while I was sitting in the water, turbulent tides bringing shells by the buckets, I saw not one sin wash on shore. Not one! Praise God!

We in the ‘church world’ have been taught all of our lives that once we become a Christian, every sin should cease im-mediately.
April Harris said when we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter. Hopefully, I have seen the light.

Paul Walker

Back Packs for the Homeless

Homeless_Man_on_carboardOn Martin Luther King Day a few Restore ‘spies’ ventured out in the early morning hours to see how they may be able to help those that are homeless in our community. They had stopped at several places to find no one except some of their belongings. The passionate few put together a backpack with a fleece blanket, a water-proof tarp, filtered water bottle, hand warmers, snacks and a Bible. Later we had found out that most that sleep under our cities bridges get up early enough to travel to places that open for breakfast. It may be at McDonald’s for coffee or a number of caring places such as The Salvation Army. The group was surprised at the meager bedding they slept on – one slept on a cardboard bed with a fleece blanket and a water bottle nearby. Our goal is to partner with Aurora to help supply what exactly is needed for those that have no home or bed to sleep in.

Jesus told him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to sleep.”
Matthew 8:20 (GNT)

Calling All Men

Every Monday the men do have a Celebrate Recovery class at 6:30 p.m. The camaraderie within the class is accepted by all who attend. Often times men are normally stereotyped to not express themselves or show any signs of weakness. CR affirms men to be themselves but deal with the deeper problems within. CR believes in creating a safe environment and because of that no one is forced to speak – including men. However, the relaxed atmosphere on Monday nights lends itself for a night of fun and expression.

Celebrating Diversity All Year Long

Food_Boxes_Jan2010We have been in awe of the diversity of givers who have donated to this outreach. Some are co-workers of people who volunteer at Restore each Monday. Some are relatives of team members. Several are past classmates and many are long time friends. Several attend different churches and some do not attend church at all. Regardless, everyone has displayed a selfless act of caring for those who cannot directly give back to you. Some of you we do not personally know, however you’re giving to the need through Restore deserves applause.

In 2010, we will be forging additional partnerships to not only do acts of charity but for the purpose of development. We have always believed that if we succeed then we should want others to succeed as well. If you want to help this year then email us at We need 2 teams to prepare and serve meals once a month. Lastly, we need additional assistance with our children’s program – Celebration Station

We Can Do More Together Then We Can Do Apart

The EVSC has partnered with the Tri State Food Bank to provide weekend meals through its ‘Back Pack’ program. In the backpack there are six meals and two snacks for one child. This is for families who qualify under state guidelines.

G.A.P. Ministries and Restore has partnered to pick up these back packs and deliver them to Harper Elementary School each Friday.

If you would like to volunteer with this program then please contact us by phone at (812)484-7339 or by email at

We were tremendously blessed this past December to have so many from various churches to work together at Restore’s Family Christmas Celebration.

One new relationship is with Pastor Matt, his lovely wife, and Jim a member from New Bethel Baptist on the west side of Evansville. They came early to prepare and then eventually serve that evening.

We are looking forward to collaborate with them to reach more hurting people within our community in 2010.