I have been a firm believer in tearing down walls. Walls divide so many of us. A wall could be race, economic status, religion, and so on. Just getting rid of those prejudices and coming together is where it is at—or so I thought. Nehemiah, ( A governor, once slave and ordinary person), gave me a wake up call of sorts – thanks to my wife who urged me to read. This depressed guy felt a great desire to rebuild a wall, bring people together, and restore a city. This wall took only 52 days to rebuild. Much of the wall was using the old material that seemingly was ruined. I guess I am surprised how important it really is to restore those things that are truly important. Some of us have walked away from once positive and good relationships. Others have walked away from their faith that was given to them as a child. Can you see the “rubble” that lies all around you? Isn’t it worth something? People love to buy the antiques that have been restored to it’s former glory. I suggest you read the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament. Hey, if Oprah can have a book club and recommend the very best books can’t I do the same? I am noticing everyday how people are in need of restoration. I am on that quest as well.