Now There’s an Idea

All too often when we see a short television clip of an overseas or domestic tragedy we want to help immediately.
Haiti for instance has been the beneficiary as of late to those that need to respond immediately to help. We have seen hundreds of millions of dollars in aid come from all across the world – and rightfully so.

However, common sense tells us that we need to respond more consistently in our giving. Immediate giving is extremely important but consistent giving is even more important.

We all need to look at the practical ways in which we should give. True giving comes from sacrifice. Here are a few ways we can make some cuts in our budget and be continually giving:

  1. Instead of drinking a beverage when you go out to eat, drink water – a family of four could save $4 to $8 each visit.
  2. Purchase store brand items at the grocery store for one month and see the total that can be saved and put toward your charity of choice.
  3. Shop for a no fee checking account – you could save at least $40 a year.
  4. Shop for cheaper and quality insurance. Having combined policies for home, auto, and life can net a discount as well.

These are only suggestions; however, as you can see a little glimpse at our personal financial world can affect the world where people are suffering the most.

One last idea is to remember Restore Outreach when you receive your tax check this year – just a portion from 100 people could allow us to feed hundreds of families that are in need right here in our great city.

Posted in Blog, Ray's Blog.