Reality Check

We are excited about what 2010 has to offer and what God is working on IN us, AROUND us, and THROUGH us!!! We get a new location where all of our various “facilities” and supplies can be housed under one roof. A place where we can have church and conduct our ministries in the same location! Gone are the days of plastic totes housing our bibles and creating hundreds of food baskets out of a closet!! We learned many things in our “nomad” days. Anything is possible and if we can dream it God will bring it! But what is REALLY going on? Here is your reality check: We did not choose this location! Look where GOD has placed us! We are triangulated right in the middle of all the people we target! Some of the places some of us have been! Albion Fellows Bacon Center for battered women, United Caring Shelters, the YWCA Homeless Shelter and Transitional Housing Recovery Program, the Evansville Rescue Mission…imagine the possibilities!! The people we can help! So I ask you – is it really about us getting a new address? No, it’s about real, relevant relationship and all the new souls God will bring us to love on and speak life to. We proved ourselves worthy to Him and NOW the real work begins…HIS work!

Marie Metcalf

Posted in Blog.