Friendship & Love

Reality Check AheadRecently, I’ve had several opportunities to see and feel what true ministry and friendship is all about. In the past I’d always considered myself a good friend. Today, I’m learning that friendship and love are ACTION words. There are some other good action words that we too often used as nouns; like grace and mercy. Often times when someone around us is faced with an illness, tragedy, or difficulty we get caught up asking questions, “What’s happened?…”, “What’s wrong?…”, ” What did the Doctors say?”. From now on I won’t be giving my best advice, past experience or inundating them with questions about the details. The proper response has been demonstrated to me. “What can I do?” God has equipped us all with special gifts to help. Maybe we don’t have extra money to ease the financial burden. Do we have time? I guarantee they will remember and appreciate the neighbor who picked up the kids, made a casserole, mowed the lawn or even cared for pets. These are things we probably would never even cared for pets. These are things we probably would never ask someone to do~ and just think of the financial contribution it is for them not to have to pay someone to do these necessities! I’ve also learned that a person’s struggles may not be at all obvious. We never know what someone may be going through. We often ask the Lord to show His mercy, but are we? Am I a shining example of grace in action when someone cuts me off on the highway or jumps ahead of me in line? So I may be late to the dentist and he’s rushing to his wife’s side for her first round of chemo. People go to do mission work in a third-world country, but do they go to their local soup kitchens to help their neighbors? God wants us to do the best we can with what we have right where we are, (and if that’s Ethiopia that’s wonderful…don’t get me wrong). Maybe they don’t need anything but to be heard and know that I have time for them and care enough to listen. Each and every time we reach out to our fellows in loving kindness we are praising the Lord.

Marie Metcalf

Restore is for Everyone

restore_many_colorsRestore is for everyone – many colors and patterns but the same material.

When we first presented Celebrate Recovery I was slightly amazed at the resistance I was met with by some.  People readily acknowledged they had no chemical issues in their lives and it was not necessary to subject themselves to a step program.  What I see now is people from various back grounds and social economic situations gathering together to form a community that is extremely supportive and accepting of one another.  This safe environment is the perfect place to simply be themselves.  The 2nd important commandment that Jesus reiterated was that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.   Loving each other as we re-learn to love ourselves again and orchestrated by none other then the One that defines love – God.  A safe recovery community on Monday evenings is what we have – a very eclectic group to say the least.   People that are willing to listen with a non-judgmental heart and pray for those next to them.  To me this is only a small glimpse of heaven.  Co-existing with people that do not share the same back ground but are willing to look at the common ground of life’s struggles through recovering eyes and Christ help.  Restore is for the un-churched, dechurched, and churched a like.  Come on join us this Monday at 5:30 pm.  To learn more about CR go to –   Rev. Ray Brown

Thank God it’s Spring!

Spring FieldsNever in my entire life have I looked forward to Spring more than this year. I know I am growing older and the entire, dark, dismal days of winter have been awful for me this year. The need for greater and longer lasting light is appreciated so much more than in years past.

The winter days have killed off, or so it seems, the foliage and flowers. However, I know that with death comes new life, brighter and longer days, and the bursting forth of colors from the ground to the trees.

Our eyes will become wide open and our energy levels will increase multiple times over. I encourage you to stop hugging ‘Old Man Winter’ and run like a wild person toward the Spring. The past season has had its purpose, but the Spring, the first season in the new year, is almost here. It has been waiting for you to arrive as well.

Allow yourself to break out of the darkness and hardness of your inward self into the light and life that is all around you. You will not just break out but in the right season you will bare some fruit as well.

You will be elated at the decisions you will make this season because it will return to you compounded with interest. It will be easier to expand your possibilities because the past has prepared you for this Spring-thank God for the Spring!

Forward Thinking

Have you listened to a song, the smell of a fragrance or seen a picture and live it all over again with the same intensity and it brings you right back to that time and place?

I heard a statement that “Love looks forward, hate looks back” and in a time of searching in my life, this was a very profound statement. Causing another, (one of many) shift’s to change my point of reference which had kept me stuck…not because I wanted to be there, but it’s the only thing I knew.

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” – Philippians 3:13 (NLT)

I’m not going back. I’m moving ahead. Here to declare to you my past is over in You. All things are made new -surrendered my life to Christ. I’m moving; moving forward, are the lyrics to ‘Moving Forward’. When I listen I’m moved, inspired and I’m filled with joy. Even though I had a wonderful family, a great husband, a nice home an unbelievable job and yet, I was still broken inside. Why? I didn’t know. Then over the last 4 years came ‘Celebrate Recovery’ and then two years later came ‘Restore Outreach’ and in 2009 ‘theGathering’ Church continued moving me forward and changing my life.

We began with 1 small ladies class and Feb. 1st, 2010 there will be 3 ladies classes and 1 men’s class. There will be 6 classes for children of different age ranges starting ‘Celebration Station’. Mar 1st another ladies class will start. Restore Outreach is about restoring the whole family. We are ‘Forward Looking’ to see all families, no matter what situation (i.e., divorce, abuse, poverty, alcohol, drugs or depression) and especially just life circumstances that keep you looking back and not moving forward restored. This vision has been given to many and others will catch the vision and run with it and it will continue at the 1st Christian Church.

And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by. Habakkuk 2:2

So I pray that if you have taken time to read this February Restore Newsletter and are moved, inspired or see yourself apart of (catching the vision) that by the act of moving forward you will walk into ‘Forward Looking’ and never think about looking back because your past is over in Him.

That you become part of living life and life more abundant in Him and then reach out to those in need. I ask this in His name which is faithful, Jesus.

Be blessed; Speak Life and against all – Hope, in Hope- Believed. I Believe. Welcome to ‘Forward Looking!!’

Now There’s an Idea

All too often when we see a short television clip of an overseas or domestic tragedy we want to help immediately.
Haiti for instance has been the beneficiary as of late to those that need to respond immediately to help. We have seen hundreds of millions of dollars in aid come from all across the world – and rightfully so.

However, common sense tells us that we need to respond more consistently in our giving. Immediate giving is extremely important but consistent giving is even more important.

We all need to look at the practical ways in which we should give. True giving comes from sacrifice. Here are a few ways we can make some cuts in our budget and be continually giving:

  1. Instead of drinking a beverage when you go out to eat, drink water – a family of four could save $4 to $8 each visit.
  2. Purchase store brand items at the grocery store for one month and see the total that can be saved and put toward your charity of choice.
  3. Shop for a no fee checking account – you could save at least $40 a year.
  4. Shop for cheaper and quality insurance. Having combined policies for home, auto, and life can net a discount as well.

These are only suggestions; however, as you can see a little glimpse at our personal financial world can affect the world where people are suffering the most.

One last idea is to remember Restore Outreach when you receive your tax check this year – just a portion from 100 people could allow us to feed hundreds of families that are in need right here in our great city.

Reality Check

Marie_MetcalfTime is such a precious commodity. God has a way of demonstrating different things to me with each new phase of my development. See I wasted a lot of time in my life, because of this I am in a state of constant fast forward right now. I wake up each morning and look at the day ahead of me and wonder if I can possibly accomplish all of the mandatory things that are before me.

I work 35 hours per week, go to school 9 hours per week (add at least 10 hours to that for studying and homework). I take the kids to the west side for school every day. I come home and get ready to head to the east side for work by 10am. I am a server so I run laps in a restaurant and am cheerful and courteous all the time…even if my customers are not. I leave by 3pm and head to the west side to round up the kids and bring them home. On Mondays we head to Celebrate Recovery where thankfully we get one of our two family meals per week. Tuesday I do the kids, work, kid’s combo then head to Human Services class. Wednesday is kids, work, kids, Sociology. Thursday is kids, work, kids, Algebra. Friday is kids, work, kids…back to work. I work doubles on Fridays. Saturday is 8 loads of laundry at the laundry mat and a long 3-12 pm shift at work. Sunday blessed Sunday all I have is church where I take care of the kids. I love the kids but it is definitely not like having a day off. I get to kiss my kids goodnight on Sunday and Monday. I didn’t add in appointments and groceries but I think you get the point!

Here is MY reality check. A few years ago all I had was time. I didn’t have the privilege of freedom, much less kids, work, and school.

It will be worth it!

When we moved into my apartment a year ago we had a mattress (on the floor) and two bags of clothes. Laundry day was easy because we had nothing. My Daughter only spent the night two nights per week. Nobody needed me for much of anything, I was broken and damaged. God placed a dream in my heart to get well, get an education and share with others how I did it. Each and every “hassle” in my life is a privilege. My life was empty and meaningless and now I am everything to a few people that need me. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle my blessings. Then I remember that God started this work in me and He will be faithful to complete it. He will never give me more than I can handle although I thinks He thinks too highly of me sometimes.

I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.
-Romans 7:18

I keep reminding myself that I can do it because He is never wrong!

Is God pushing you to do something?

Do you feel that nagging pull?

Might as well stop fighting Him and do it. It won’t always be easy but I guarantee it will be worth it!

Marie Johnson

Celebration Station


Kara Thanksgiving 2010

While parents continue to participate in a step program called Celebrate Recovery on Monday evenings, the children will be involved in a new program entitled Celebration Station. CS is a pre-covery program. The kids will be visually stimulated by the inter-active video and the challenging lesson curriculum. Activities will be included to engage the children and to foster conversation with their parents in their households. Restore will continue to give resources and tools that will strengthen families. Celebration Station will be a great program to begin as we transition into our new location for Restore Outreach. It is better to build boys and girls than it is to mend men and women. To find out more about the adult and children’s programs go to


Sea Shells

While walking along a beach, one can see a lot of debris. Trash left behind by uncaring visitors, sea weed and other debris that has washed upon the shore. Many have walked along the shore and looked down and saw what looked like a beautiful sea shell that had washed ashore.

When we reached down and picked it up, it was very pretty. As we looked it over, we noticed some flaws in the shell. The turmoil of waves and the sand had broken edges of the beautiful shell off. Though the shell was well polished, shiny and was very colorful, we discarded it. We were disappointed in the flaws of the shell so we cast it aside to continue looking for the ‘perfect shell’.
There is a place in Florida named Venice and Venice Beach. The beach is so beautiful with its white sand and the rolling tide of the Gulf of Mexico. This beach is noted worldwide for the sea-shells that wash ashore. It is caused by the unusual currents that bring tons of shells in with the tide. The locals have made special baskets to scoop up shells. Tourists from around the world come to this beach to search for the perfect shell and sharks teeth. One can sit at the edge of the water and in a short time be covered with shells of all shapes, sizes and colors. This is a lot of fun and a great way to spend a day at the beach.

But, as you sit there watching the shells being tossed around in the turbulent tide, a sparkle will catch your eye. You reach down and pick up a handful of shells and begin to discard them all, while looking for that one that glittered in the sunlight. It is not there so you frantically reach for another handful, again discard-ing the flawed shells looking for ‘Mr. Perfect’.

We finally find that one that looks so beautiful and perfect so we take it home with us. We are proud of the perfect shell that we have found so we show it off to everyone we see. Many are happy for us until we show it to someone who looks a little closer than we have and points out a flaw we had not seen. How disappointing and we discard it.

When we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter.

We have all been caught in the turbulence of life and have been tossed around like a shell caught in the tide. We have received many flaws in our character but thank God, He does not discard us. Things that get tossed overboard and into the sea will eventually be washed ashore by the strong current in the shallow water. God said he would cast our sins into the depths of the sea never to be remembered anymore. (Micah 7:19)

One thing that was brought to my attention was while I was sitting in the water, turbulent tides bringing shells by the buckets, I saw not one sin wash on shore. Not one! Praise God!

We in the ‘church world’ have been taught all of our lives that once we become a Christian, every sin should cease im-mediately.
April Harris said when we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter. Hopefully, I have seen the light.

Paul Walker

Not Better. Just Different.

I have been a minister over half of my life. I was called to the ministry at the age of 17 – ministry is all I know. I have learned to teach, preach, sing, and lead worship at one place all of my life – Bible Center Cathedral. There I had such labels as Youth Pastor, Worship Leader, Assistant Minister, and Recovery Pastor- at one point I assisted new members to assimilate into their new church. For nearly 19 years I was on the ministerial staff.
It was at Bible Center that I met my wife when we were just teenagers. We have been married for almost 25 years. Our children, Landon and Kendall have only known the comfort of one church and one group of caring people.

I could truly say that our family has been blessed by God and many great people have spoken into our lives. People we have prayed with, cried with, laughed with, and have tremendous memories with. A small paragraph can never do justice to the experiences we have gained.

Most who know me understand that I don’t embrace some title of minister and put myself on ‘cruise control’ until Jesus comes back. God began to agitate me several years ago. Truly I had no idea to where I should place this discontentment. If you have never been in that place it is a place of awkwardness, frustration, and to say the least, quite bothersome. In my ignorance I looked to people to help me understand this inner struggle – I found a few who empathized.This is a place to where you feel as if you are square peg being jammed into a round hole.

In my ignorance I looked to people to help me understand this inner struggle – I found a few who empathized.

To the frontlines

Honestly, I fussed and cussed with God for quite some time and made little progress to the source of this angst in my soul.
Finally one day I settled the fact in my heart I was going to make a move to the front lines of ministry. I accepted a ground level, organic approach to display the Love of Christ. I knew this was the correct move and with some reluctance I jumped into a vast area of nothingness – of which I like to call faith. The final confirmation for me was when my wife Nancy embarked on her new calling of nursing – a hands on ministry to help the hurting. She had been the Music Director for 12 years. Her injustice moment was when her father had a stroke and went into the hospital and nursing home. This entire process stirred her to make a difference and she submitted to the schooling required to place her on the front line of literally comforting those with pain.

Truly trusting God

My leap of faith had no bottom to it and the place I agreed to minister at was over within a matter of months. With renewed confidence and a vision I accepted the next phase of my calling. I embraced what God called me to do and not what man required of me. Truly answering God’s call does not come without anguish. At that moment, I felt caught in the middle. I was in the middle of the quote, ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times’. My heart felt sick and yet I felt excited and free. Believe me I had my flashbacks numerous times and questioned this place that was still filled with problems – I felt regret and shame. I understood that being obedient to God will always be problematic. Since my personality is one of which that desires peace on all sides, I pursued harmony with everyone – it did not work. I am a peace maker and not a peace keeper. I have always wanted what was right but I have realized that I want to control. I will always be confronted by God to let go and let Him take control of every area of my life. This next phase required me to trust Him and not lean on my own understanding.

This calling had to do with helping the hurting people within our city. People that had been disregarded and often times judged harshly. I was drawn to their stories and their neighborhoods. I saw the faces of their children and I knew, that I knew, that I knew I had to do something. The injustices that I had seen angered me and yet sickened me at the same time. I had been raised in church all of my life and now I was saturated into a new culture – one of which I felt humbled to be a part of.

This calling had to do with helping the hurting people within our city. People that had been disregarded and often times judged harshly.

My long time inner struggle was now on the outside and I tried to introduce the culture I always knew to my new found culture. Many of the introductions were less enthusiastic than I had hoped for. Truly this was a clash of cultures and I tried with my peace maker approach to bring the two together. We had some success; however, the success I wanted to shoot for was not for me it was for my long lost brothers and sisters of our community. No longer could I accept my title or position as a place that I called success. Success shifted to wanting the best for all of those I come in contact with.

Take the silver spoon from my mouth

Now, I stand in this place that is not a better place – only a different place. A vision that allows me to view things differently and release this holy discontent from my soul.

I know I am closer to the ‘sweet spot’ of ministry and I have been left with no choice to pursue it – I have nothing to lose. At one point we literally had nothing. We had exhausted what little savings we had, cashed in an annuity and once we even considered selling our house.

Why? So we could do what God has called us to do at this point in our lives. How could I minister to people who are in need if I didn’t know what it was like to have nothing? How could I minister to people who have been rejected if I had not felt rejection as well? Somewhere along the line you have to take the silver spoon from your mouth and feed other people with it.

Somewhere along the line you have to take the silver spoon from your mouth and feed other people with it.