Back Packs for the Homeless

Homeless_Man_on_carboardOn Martin Luther King Day a few Restore ‘spies’ ventured out in the early morning hours to see how they may be able to help those that are homeless in our community. They had stopped at several places to find no one except some of their belongings. The passionate few put together a backpack with a fleece blanket, a water-proof tarp, filtered water bottle, hand warmers, snacks and a Bible. Later we had found out that most that sleep under our cities bridges get up early enough to travel to places that open for breakfast. It may be at McDonald’s for coffee or a number of caring places such as The Salvation Army. The group was surprised at the meager bedding they slept on – one slept on a cardboard bed with a fleece blanket and a water bottle nearby. Our goal is to partner with Aurora to help supply what exactly is needed for those that have no home or bed to sleep in.

Jesus told him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to sleep.”
Matthew 8:20 (GNT)

Calling All Men

Every Monday the men do have a Celebrate Recovery class at 6:30 p.m. The camaraderie within the class is accepted by all who attend. Often times men are normally stereotyped to not express themselves or show any signs of weakness. CR affirms men to be themselves but deal with the deeper problems within. CR believes in creating a safe environment and because of that no one is forced to speak – including men. However, the relaxed atmosphere on Monday nights lends itself for a night of fun and expression.

Does Your Heart Flutter?

Do you get a flutter in your heart when you see people hurt by life? Do you wish you could help them in some small way but don’t know how because you’re just one person? Do you think you can’t do anything for God because you have no talents or money to give? Even harder questions to answer are: Do you look the other way when you see a homeless person on the street? or even harder: Do you say you want to do something but never put your words to action? Do you want God to “use” you but don’t make yourself available to be used? These are all questions I answered this past year.

There are ways to help that you may not even know about: 

Do you have 1 hour a week? If so,

Serve food to people that don’t have much to eat

Sort and give out clothes to those that need them

Pick up people that don’t have transportation to get there

Just come and smile and have a conversation with someone who may not have had contact with a loving person that day.

Do you love kids and have 2 hours a week?

Teach a kids class and show love, trust and structure to those that don’t see it often.

You don’t have time but you have resources? 


  • diapers/wipes
  • drawstring backpacks and fleece blankets for the homeless
  • gently used clothing and shoes
  • hygiene products: deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap. All things if you didn’t have you would think more of.

I know everyone that reads this is aware of the needs there are in the world. We can’t “save the world” but we can help 1 person. That 1 person is thankful that we did.

Melissa Edmondson

Celebrating Diversity All Year Long

Food_Boxes_Jan2010We have been in awe of the diversity of givers who have donated to this outreach. Some are co-workers of people who volunteer at Restore each Monday. Some are relatives of team members. Several are past classmates and many are long time friends. Several attend different churches and some do not attend church at all. Regardless, everyone has displayed a selfless act of caring for those who cannot directly give back to you. Some of you we do not personally know, however you’re giving to the need through Restore deserves applause.

In 2010, we will be forging additional partnerships to not only do acts of charity but for the purpose of development. We have always believed that if we succeed then we should want others to succeed as well. If you want to help this year then email us at We need 2 teams to prepare and serve meals once a month. Lastly, we need additional assistance with our children’s program – Celebration Station

Thanks to The Cathedral

Thanks to The Cathedral and Pastor Rick VanHoose for allowing Restore to use it’s facility on Mondays, a storage area, and van for the past 20 months. Continued blessings on all you do and your new Monday discipleship program – may it flourish!

Reality Check

We are excited about what 2010 has to offer and what God is working on IN us, AROUND us, and THROUGH us!!! We get a new location where all of our various “facilities” and supplies can be housed under one roof. A place where we can have church and conduct our ministries in the same location! Gone are the days of plastic totes housing our bibles and creating hundreds of food baskets out of a closet!! We learned many things in our “nomad” days. Anything is possible and if we can dream it God will bring it! But what is REALLY going on? Here is your reality check: We did not choose this location! Look where GOD has placed us! We are triangulated right in the middle of all the people we target! Some of the places some of us have been! Albion Fellows Bacon Center for battered women, United Caring Shelters, the YWCA Homeless Shelter and Transitional Housing Recovery Program, the Evansville Rescue Mission…imagine the possibilities!! The people we can help! So I ask you – is it really about us getting a new address? No, it’s about real, relevant relationship and all the new souls God will bring us to love on and speak life to. We proved ourselves worthy to Him and NOW the real work begins…HIS work!

Marie Metcalf

We Can Do More Together Then We Can Do Apart

The EVSC has partnered with the Tri State Food Bank to provide weekend meals through its ‘Back Pack’ program. In the backpack there are six meals and two snacks for one child. This is for families who qualify under state guidelines.

G.A.P. Ministries and Restore has partnered to pick up these back packs and deliver them to Harper Elementary School each Friday.

If you would like to volunteer with this program then please contact us by phone at (812)484-7339 or by email at

We were tremendously blessed this past December to have so many from various churches to work together at Restore’s Family Christmas Celebration.

One new relationship is with Pastor Matt, his lovely wife, and Jim a member from New Bethel Baptist on the west side of Evansville. They came early to prepare and then eventually serve that evening.

We are looking forward to collaborate with them to reach more hurting people within our community in 2010.

Purchase a 15 passenger van for $100.00

Due to the growth of our ministry we are in need of a 15 passenger van. There is a van we can purchase right now for only $2,500.00.

We need for 25 people to give $100.00. Make your check payable to Restore Outreach with the word ‘van’ in the memo. Send to:

Restore Outreach
PO Box 4118
Evansville, Indiana 47724

Year End Thank You Letter

Dear Restore Givers,
Thank you so much for the prayers, time, effort, and donations you have made to Restore Outreach. Without you we could not have accomplished what we have. Regardless of the amount of the donation it was very much appreciated. Your assistance went to help in these areas in 2009: Monday family meals, monthly food baskets, Recovery and children’s curriculum, emergency assistance, transportation for Dr. Appointments, utilities, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Restoration Picnic, Back to School, Thanksgiving, and adopt a child for Christmas.The totals were:

  • 38 Baptized – from April to December
  • 38 Recommitted their lives to Christ at the Restore Family Christmas Celebration
  • 30,300 lbs. of food toiletries, hygiene products, and diapers were distributed
  • 7,000+ plus Monday family meals prepared
  • 500+ food baskets distributed
  • 1,000’s of pounds of gently used clothing provided
  • 3 adults participated in the matching funds,($100 max), Christmas Club
  • 250+ registering participants
  • 70+ children were equipped with back to school supplies
  • 100+ free haircuts given
  • 100+ children were sponsored for Christmas with clothing, undergarments, toys, gift cards, and shoes

We are already faced with unique challenges for 2010; however, we know this year will be our best year yet. We pray an abundance of blessings on you and we thank you in advance for the efforts you will make as you help us help others this year.

Love and Laughter,
Rev. Ray Brown

Thanks to these Businesses

Thanks to these Businesses

• Barclays Reflexology

• Best Pest Control

• Bristol Myers Squibb

• Fifth Third Bank

• Heritage Nursing Home

• Integra Bank

• Ken Meade Photography

• Old National Bank

• Simply Massage – Nadia

• The Hair Loft

• Tri-State Construction News

• United Bank

• Wells Body Shop

Your business could help in 2010.

Make Restore your New Year’s Resolution