Do it quickly!


Sickness /disease is often a complicated, black/white, extreme topic in the church but not in the Word. I will address that in another post, on another day.  For today, I want to focus on what anger and all it sub-emotions cause and what the Word warns us about on the topic.

Personally, I’ve had times where anger/unforgiven essentially has led to out of the ordinary pain, more than normal in its extreme. Is all pain, suffering, and  loss rooted in this? No, there are many variables. It’s up to us to inquire.  When I decided to get real and inquire for myself,  it required forgiveness and letting go of a hurt/betrayal. Once I did, the pain left me by the next day I was back to normal. I’m not naive  enough to think that everytime I suffer its because I did something wrong, as I do love in a naturally aging body.  Lately, I’ve observed anger and it’s effects quite often.

As I’ve walked with God over the years,  the last two years especially, I’ve observed several that have become angry and sure enough sickness and/or pain comes within days/weeks after  until they let go.

MATTHEW 5:25 Jesus has been attacking anger and advocating reconciliation in this scripture, explaining the courts of heaven. In this verse he states that it is prudent to quickly reach agreement with one’s adversary.(in the natural, brother  /sister  spouse, parent, etc)

Agree (let go of anger, forgive, reconcile the differences ) with thine adversary (person in the natural you’re in conflict with) quickly, whiles thought art in the way (while you still can) with him; lest at any time the adversary (person in conflict with) 
deliver thee (in prayer to the court of heaven)  to the judge (God) , and the judge(God)  deliver
thee to the officer,(enemy in the spiritual)  and thou be cast into prison.(a personal prison, most often in the physical, sickness, pain/emotional /physical  loss) 

These scriptures are all in legal terms , as in a court, the courts of heaven. Pain, trouble, suffering and loss gets our attention like nothing else does and forces  us to think.
Resolve it on your own while you can before you’re taken to prayer in heavens courts and judged there. Judge lest you be judged.  Judge yourself, humble yourself, forgive and let go so you are justified and found blameless.


The church and its leaders….


1 Corinthians 3

1Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 4For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?

5What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. 6I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 7So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

Consider Moses, he was too often in his emotions as a leader  and made snap choices based on such. It cost him the promised land and a life of blessing.  God said, He could not  build a kingdom/church/people based on emotion, except love.  His calling and purpose was passed on to new leadership, Joshua & Caleb who were opposite, yet unified and Spirit led.

There are times we need to put ourselves in check and assess where we are. Honestly ask ourselves, Is it really worth it? Are my actions/words/emotions bringing positive God change?  Am I restoring or destroying?

I tell you truth… God is still on the throne. You will do more by submitting to His authority, humbling yourself before Him and and taking it all to prayer than by marinating in emotion.

Ask yourself, What blessings am I forfeiting because I refuse to come out of myself? Is this love I’m showing or pride?  As Moses found out, emotions are deceptive and costly.

I was praying for a woman on her deathbed yesterday. Man, she was a hardcore, tough cookie!! One of the many things that stood out to me was this, her niece, Melanie,  whom we all know and love, has been radically changed from her old life and she,  (her aunt)  recognized this change, again and again. This babe in Christ has made more of an impact by her life/attitude change than a thousand sermons could ever do.  Our example is the most powerful tool we have. So again, in conflict, we need to ask ourselves what example am I showing my family /church family, children, and spouse?  Is my impact negative or positive and who am I impacting? Brothers and Sisters, if we imitate anyone but Christ in love  and grace we are making the wrong impact.

Blessings & Peace

Stripped of me


Being in a church of such diversity can be tough. I remember the first few times of being in various classes, I was the most uncomfortable person in the world and I couldn’t wait to leave. I could never put my finger on it as to why. It wouldn’t be long, after building a couple relationships those friends  coming to me and saying, “when I met you, I didn’t think you liked me at all and was a so intimidated by you because you didn’t say much of anything and was distant, but now that I know you, I couldn’t have been more wrong!”  This COMPLETELY  shocked me, even bothered me to the point it sent me to my prayer closet seeking answers.  You see, we can easily think we are projecting a certain persona that we’re comfortable with, it’s called,” exposed brick” in the decorating world.  Insecurities, pride,  unresolved hurts,  agendas, motives and out of season ambitions are just a few of the bricks used to build the walls of DIY persona.  We then, display on the outside of those brick walls the perfectly posed selfies of what we WANT people to see, while the parts we aren’t comfortable exposing remain behind.  I NEVER wanted people to think those things about me, but then again, I’ve never felt I could be myself around anyone but my family. How completely unflattering,  unintentional, and unlike Christ,   I thought.

Fast forward to dial it up. I began teaching this class every other week a couple months ago. Much to my surprise, the serious, stoic, biblically studious part of me all but disappeared that hour and I never felt more vulnerable and naked before a group in all my life, I was mortified!! It was like this other girl emerged out of this quiet, nerdy,  bookworm and began teaching the Bible improv style with comedic overtones and all based on my own ugly, messed up experiences.  After that first night I drove home nearly in tears saying,  GOD, YOU SERIOUSLY DID NOT JUST DO THAT TO ME ON PURPOSE!!!!!  Although, the LADIES seemed to enjoy it, but to me, I was saying stuff not written down, not premeditated, not studied and it was all based on my messed up, mistake filled experiences that I had no intention of sharing.  I didn’t even recognize the woman that emerged that evening and hoped she went back to wherever it was she came from!!!

Little did I know, God was stripping me of my protective layers I had always called, “Tammy” aka security.  After that night relationships quickly began to build and the relationships that had been built with those who were my proverbial “birds of a feather”, meaning they too were/are covered in layers of who they think they should be, aspire to be or how they want people to see them, began to fall by the wayside. My eyes were clearly opened and I swear I felt like I had spiritually lost 1,000lbs. I thought I pretty much knew myself , but this part that I carried hindered me from what Christ had for me.   While all that night I reeled from the shock of so much of myself being put out there and not really knowing how to respond to the new person that emerged in that first class, I simply prayed and opened my Bible to the story of Lazarus.   When he died and was raised, Jesus said, remove the grave clothes.  That was me.  Since that first dial it up class, I’ve never felt so free with such a new found confidence in who I truly am and so ready for the next steps. No longer am I held captive by the labels, titles, expectations and personas of how I should be according to others expectations. Being “just me” I’ve found is exceptional because I am made in the image of God.  Fearfully and wonderfully made that is.  I don’t have to be what others think.  MY personality is perfect in His sight and my character is changed to be more like His everyday.  Lastly, touching others with the heart and love of Jesus is all that’s needed to be the Me, approved by Him. 😊