Are You Willing?

Within our boundaries we determine who we are and within those borders we become no more that what we or others have spoke into us. However it is when we can move past our boundaries into the openness where we are vulnerable…between our boundaries and situations, circumstances and others is when we change.

In the openness we gain knowledge and understanding outside ourselves. It is at that moment of colliding (hit with force when moving) with others, circumstances, situations that we redefine who we are and become more than who we were.

1 Peter 2:9-10 MSG. That you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of Priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night and day difference He made for you…from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

Be Blessed, Speak Life and against all Hope, in Hope, Believe. Believing I am me and must push past me and collide with situation, circumstances and you. It is where I can understand and experience…to truly know me is to live beyond me.

This week boundaries that define you are boundaries that contain you, but if you are God’s chosen called out…nothing shall can contain you.  ~april harris

Posted in My Papa's Daughter, Uncategorized.


    • Hi Patrina. I most certainly can. Lord we bring before you this situation that you have full knowledge and understanding over. We ask that you move this situation to a good outcome. That while this is changing and glorifying you…that you give her peace and to those involved as well. We praise you for your faithfulness and your love for us. In Jesus name, Amen.

      Call those thing that are not as though they are. Speak life over that situation and the Spirit will give you peace.

    • Thanks…sometimes you must break out of the old boundaries into openness to find your next steps. Scary? Yes…but worth it. Love you sweet sister.

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