Back Packs for the Homeless

Homeless_Man_on_carboardOn Martin Luther King Day a few Restore ‘spies’ ventured out in the early morning hours to see how they may be able to help those that are homeless in our community. They had stopped at several places to find no one except some of their belongings. The passionate few put together a backpack with a fleece blanket, a water-proof tarp, filtered water bottle, hand warmers, snacks and a Bible. Later we had found out that most that sleep under our cities bridges get up early enough to travel to places that open for breakfast. It may be at McDonald’s for coffee or a number of caring places such as The Salvation Army. The group was surprised at the meager bedding they slept on – one slept on a cardboard bed with a fleece blanket and a water bottle nearby. Our goal is to partner with Aurora to help supply what exactly is needed for those that have no home or bed to sleep in.

Jesus told him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to sleep.”
Matthew 8:20 (GNT)

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