Sea Shells

While walking along a beach, one can see a lot of debris. Trash left behind by uncaring visitors, sea weed and other debris that has washed upon the shore. Many have walked along the shore and looked down and saw what looked like a beautiful sea shell that had washed ashore.

When we reached down and picked it up, it was very pretty. As we looked it over, we noticed some flaws in the shell. The turmoil of waves and the sand had broken edges of the beautiful shell off. Though the shell was well polished, shiny and was very colorful, we discarded it. We were disappointed in the flaws of the shell so we cast it aside to continue looking for the ‘perfect shell’.
There is a place in Florida named Venice and Venice Beach. The beach is so beautiful with its white sand and the rolling tide of the Gulf of Mexico. This beach is noted worldwide for the sea-shells that wash ashore. It is caused by the unusual currents that bring tons of shells in with the tide. The locals have made special baskets to scoop up shells. Tourists from around the world come to this beach to search for the perfect shell and sharks teeth. One can sit at the edge of the water and in a short time be covered with shells of all shapes, sizes and colors. This is a lot of fun and a great way to spend a day at the beach.

But, as you sit there watching the shells being tossed around in the turbulent tide, a sparkle will catch your eye. You reach down and pick up a handful of shells and begin to discard them all, while looking for that one that glittered in the sunlight. It is not there so you frantically reach for another handful, again discard-ing the flawed shells looking for ‘Mr. Perfect’.

We finally find that one that looks so beautiful and perfect so we take it home with us. We are proud of the perfect shell that we have found so we show it off to everyone we see. Many are happy for us until we show it to someone who looks a little closer than we have and points out a flaw we had not seen. How disappointing and we discard it.

When we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter.

We have all been caught in the turbulence of life and have been tossed around like a shell caught in the tide. We have received many flaws in our character but thank God, He does not discard us. Things that get tossed overboard and into the sea will eventually be washed ashore by the strong current in the shallow water. God said he would cast our sins into the depths of the sea never to be remembered anymore. (Micah 7:19)

One thing that was brought to my attention was while I was sitting in the water, turbulent tides bringing shells by the buckets, I saw not one sin wash on shore. Not one! Praise God!

We in the ‘church world’ have been taught all of our lives that once we become a Christian, every sin should cease im-mediately.
April Harris said when we see people outside smoking or hear some ‘foreign’ word coming from their mouths that we should look past it. I am as guilty, if not more so, than others on this matter. Hopefully, I have seen the light.

Paul Walker

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