Celebrating Diversity All Year Long

Food_Boxes_Jan2010We have been in awe of the diversity of givers who have donated to this outreach. Some are co-workers of people who volunteer at Restore each Monday. Some are relatives of team members. Several are past classmates and many are long time friends. Several attend different churches and some do not attend church at all. Regardless, everyone has displayed a selfless act of caring for those who cannot directly give back to you. Some of you we do not personally know, however you’re giving to the need through Restore deserves applause.

In 2010, we will be forging additional partnerships to not only do acts of charity but for the purpose of development. We have always believed that if we succeed then we should want others to succeed as well. If you want to help this year then email us at info@restore1more.org. We need 2 teams to prepare and serve meals once a month. Lastly, we need additional assistance with our children’s program – Celebration Station

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