Promised Land Pledge Drive

We have a great opportunity to purchase the present facility that we are in – First Christian Church.

What most understand about our ministry is that we are not anything like the normal.  We began as an outreach for the first 16 months and then we had no other choice to plant a church as well to under-gird the mission of our ministry.  The outreach is nearly 3 and half years old and the church just celebrated its two year anniversary on January 11.  We are not normal because assumably the experts say you have to have about $200,000.00 to begin a church – we didn’t, we had a borrowed $10,000.00.

We have church at 2 p.m. every Sunday and that is not typical.  Not to mention beginning a ministry to reach individuals, families, and children that mostly have no additional funds to put in an offering plate to help sustain an outreach – on a Monday evening no less! Oh, and I almost forgot that we rent from other churches to accomplish our mission.  If you are not aware of what has been going on you may want to go to our sites and get caught up.  Go to and

Now, for the news. We can purchase First Christian Church located at 121 Walnut Street for $250,000.00.  We have already manged to raise about $50,000.00 of this amount.  We will not assume a loan and quite frankly we cannot get a loan because we are still in the infancy stage of this ministry.  We do not want a loan either because we will not become a slave to any lender.  We will remain debt free so all future monies can go directly to the needs of the people – and that is ministry.

You can help us by praying for us that we will get the full amount.  Also, you can search your heart and ask God what He would have you to do in helping us reach our goal.  In addition we sincerely need you to help us spread the word to your network of friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives and fellow parishioners to help us meet this dollar amount.

Together we can raise another $200,000.00. Whether it’s a dollar at a time or a thousand dollars at a time. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where God want us. It’s also where our ministry can be most effective.  I would pray that you will catch the vision today!  Thank You!

Ray Brown – Lead Pastor of theGathering Church and founder of Restore Outreach Ministries.

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