Restore is for Everyone

restore_many_colorsRestore is for everyone – many colors and patterns but the same material.

When we first presented Celebrate Recovery I was slightly amazed at the resistance I was met with by some.  People readily acknowledged they had no chemical issues in their lives and it was not necessary to subject themselves to a step program.  What I see now is people from various back grounds and social economic situations gathering together to form a community that is extremely supportive and accepting of one another.  This safe environment is the perfect place to simply be themselves.  The 2nd important commandment that Jesus reiterated was that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.   Loving each other as we re-learn to love ourselves again and orchestrated by none other then the One that defines love – God.  A safe recovery community on Monday evenings is what we have – a very eclectic group to say the least.   People that are willing to listen with a non-judgmental heart and pray for those next to them.  To me this is only a small glimpse of heaven.  Co-existing with people that do not share the same back ground but are willing to look at the common ground of life’s struggles through recovering eyes and Christ help.  Restore is for the un-churched, dechurched, and churched a like.  Come on join us this Monday at 5:30 pm.  To learn more about CR go to –   Rev. Ray Brown

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